SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t > Class Template Reference

A blocking algorithm executor for algorithms. More...

#include <seqan3/core/algorithm/detail/algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp>

Private Types

enum  fill_status { non_empty_buffer , empty_buffer , end_of_resource }
 Return status for seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking::fill_buffer. More...
Resource types
using resource_type = std::views::all_t< resource_t >
 The underlying resource type.
using resource_iterator_type = std::ranges::iterator_t< resource_type >
 The iterator over the underlying resource.
Buffer types
using bucket_type = std::vector< algorithm_result_t >
 The type of a bucket storing the results produced by a single algorithm invocation.
using bucket_iterator_type = std::ranges::iterator_t< bucket_type >
 The iterator type of a bucket.
using buffer_type = std::vector< bucket_type >
 The type of the buffer.
using buffer_iterator_type = std::ranges::iterator_t< buffer_type >
 The iterator type of the buffer.

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Type deduction guides
template<typename resource_rng_t , std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t>
 algorithm_executor_blocking (resource_rng_t &&, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t const &) -> algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_rng_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_sequential >
 Deduce the type from the provided arguments and set the sequential execution handler.

Constructors, destructor and assignment

The class is move-only, i.e. it is not copy-constructible or copy-assignable.

execution_handler_t exec_handler {}
 The execution policy.
resource_type resource {}
 The underlying resource.
resource_iterator_type resource_it {}
 The iterator over the resource that stores the current state of the executor.
algorithm_t algorithm {}
 The algorithm to invoke.
buffer_type buffer {}
 The buffer storing the algorithm results in buckets.
buffer_iterator_type buffer_it {}
 The iterator pointing to the current bucket in the buffer.
buffer_iterator_type buffer_end_it {}
 The iterator pointing behind the last bucket (must not be the end of the buffer).
bucket_iterator_type bucket_it {}
 The bucket iterator pointing to the next result within the current bucket.
size_t buffer_size {1}
 The end get pointer in the buffer.
 algorithm_executor_blocking ()=delete
 Deleted default constructor because this class manages an external resource.
 algorithm_executor_blocking (algorithm_executor_blocking const &)=delete
 This class provides unique ownership over the managed resource and is therefor not copyable.
 algorithm_executor_blocking (algorithm_executor_blocking &&other) noexcept
 Move constructs the resource of the other executor. More...
algorithm_executor_blockingoperator= (algorithm_executor_blocking const &)=delete
 This class provides unique ownership over the managed resource and is therefor not copyable.
algorithm_executor_blockingoperator= (algorithm_executor_blocking &&other)
 Move assigns from the resource of another executor. More...
 ~algorithm_executor_blocking ()=default
 algorithm_executor_blocking (resource_t resource, algorithm_t algorithm, algorithm_result_t const result=algorithm_result_t{}, execution_handler_t &&exec_handler=execution_handler_t{})
 Constructs this executor with the given resource range. More...
std::optional< algorithm_result_t > next_result ()
 } More...
bool is_eof () noexcept
 Checks whether the end of the input resource was reached.
fill_status fill_buffer ()
 Fills the buffer by storing the results of an algorithm invocation into a pre-assigned bucket.
bool is_buffer_empty () const
 Whether the internal buffer is empty. More...
void reset_buffer ()
 Resets the buckets. More...
void find_next_non_empty_bucket ()
 Finds the first non-empty bucket starting from the current position of the buffer iterator. More...
void go_to_next_result ()
 Moves the bucket iterator to the next available result. More...
void move_initialise (algorithm_executor_blocking &&other) noexcept
 Helper function to move initialise this from other. More...

Detailed Description

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
class seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t >

A blocking algorithm executor for algorithms.

Template Parameters
resource_tThe underlying range of sequence pairs to be computed; must model std::ranges::viewable_range and std::ranges::forward_range.
algorithm_tThe algorithm to be invoked on the elements of the given resource; must model std::semiregular.
algorithm_result_tThe result type generated by the algorithm; must model std::semiregular.
execution_handler_tThe execution handler managing the execution of the algorithms.

This blocking algorithm executor provides an additional buffer over the computed algorithm results to allow a two-way execution flow. The results can then be accessed in an order-preserving manner using the seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking::next_result() member function.


The blocking algorithm executor invokes the algorithm on each element of the given resource. It passes as second argument a callback function that stores the results of the algorithm in a pre-assigned buffer location. The algorithm must therefor model std::invocable with the first argument type being std::ranges::range_reference_t of the resource_t and the second argument type being convertible to std::function<void(algorithm_result_t)>.

Result buffer

Since it is not clear how many results a single invocation of the given algorithm produces the buffered results are placed into buckets. The number of available buckets is determined by the execution policy. In sequential execution mode only one bucket is available and only one invocation is buffered at a time. In the parallel execution, a bucket is allocated for every element of the underlying resource.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ fill_status

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
enum seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking::fill_status

Return status for seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking::fill_buffer.


The buffer is not fully consumed yet and contains at least one element.


The buffer is empty after calling fill_buffer.


The end of the resource was reached.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ algorithm_executor_blocking() [1/2]

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t >::algorithm_executor_blocking ( algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t > &&  other)

Move constructs the resource of the other executor.

[in]otherThe other executor (prvalue) to move from.

Handling the move of the underlying resource, respectively result buffer, requires some non-default operations. The iterator holding the current state of the executor must be reinitailised after the resource and buffer have been moved.


no-throw guarantee.


Constant if the underlying resource type models std::ranges::random_access_range, otherwise linear.

◆ algorithm_executor_blocking() [2/2]

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t >::algorithm_executor_blocking ( resource_t  resource,
algorithm_t  algorithm,
algorithm_result_t const  result = algorithm_result_t{},
execution_handler_t &&  exec_handler = execution_handler_t{} 

Constructs this executor with the given resource range.

[in]resourceThe underlying resource.
[in]algorithmThe algorithm to invoke on the elements of the underlying resource.
[in]resultA dummy result object to deduce the type of the underlying buffer value.
[in]exec_handlerThe execution handler to use [optional].

If the execution handler is parallel, it allocates a buffer of the size of the given resource range. Otherwise the buffer size is 1. Also note that the third argument is used for deducing the algorithm result type and is otherwise not used in the context of the class' construction.

Member Function Documentation

◆ find_next_non_empty_bucket()

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
void seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t >::find_next_non_empty_bucket ( )

Finds the first non-empty bucket starting from the current position of the buffer iterator.

Finds the first non-empty bucket and sets the bucket iterator to the first element of this bucket. If all buckets are empty, then the buffer iterator is set to the end of the buffer and the bucket iterator is not modified.

◆ go_to_next_result()

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
void seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t >::go_to_next_result ( )

Moves the bucket iterator to the next available result.

If the current bucket is consumed, then the buffer iterator is incremented and the next non-empty bucket is found by calling seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking::find_next_non_empty_bucket.

◆ is_buffer_empty()

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
bool seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t >::is_buffer_empty ( ) const

Whether the internal buffer is empty.

true if all elements of the internal buffer have been consumed, otherwise false.

◆ move_initialise()

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
void seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t >::move_initialise ( algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t > &&  other)

Helper function to move initialise this from other.

[in]otherThe other executor (prvalue) to move from.

Handling the move of the underlying resource, respectively result buffer, requires some non-default operations. The iterator holding the current state of the executor must be reinitailised after the resource and buffer have been moved.


no-throw guarantee.


Constant if the underlying resource type models std::ranges::random_access_range, otherwise linear.

◆ next_result()

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
std::optional<algorithm_result_t> seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t >::next_result ( )


Returns the next available algorithm result.

A std::optional that either contains the next algorithm result or is empty, i.e. the underlying resource has been completely consumed.

If there is no algorithm result available anymore the buffer will be refilled until either there is a new result available or the end of the underlying resource was reached. This operation is blocking such that the next result is only available after all algorithm invocations triggered during seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking::fill_buffer have finished.


Throws std::bad_function_call if the algorithm was not set.

◆ operator=()

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
algorithm_executor_blocking& seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t >::operator= ( algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t > &&  other)

Move assigns from the resource of another executor.

[in]otherThe other executor (prvalue) to move from.

Handling the move of the underlying resource, respectively result buffer, requires some non-default operations. The iterator holding the current state of the executor must be reinitailised after the resource and buffer have been moved.


no-throw guarantee.


Constant if the underlying resource type models std::ranges::random_access_range, otherwise linear.

◆ reset_buffer()

template<std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t, typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
void seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_t >::reset_buffer ( )

Resets the buckets.

Clears all buckets and sets the buffer iterator to the first bucket. The buckets are not shrunk such that the allocated memory for each bucket can be reused between invocations of seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking::fill_buffer.

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